برای افزایش میزان فضای هارد روی سرور2 راه وجود دارد:
روش اول
Step1: Press Windows and R to open Run, type CMD and press Enter.
Step2: Type Diskpart in the command prompt window.
Step3: Type list disk, press Enter, and then type list partition. (This operation is to view your existing disks and partitions.
Step4: Type select disk 0, then select partition 1 (Select the disk volume to work on, typically this should be disk 0 and partition 1)
Step5: Type extend size=1024 (1024MB=1GB, if you do not specify the size, the command will extend partition by using all available space on this disk.)
Note: ONLY when there is adjacent Unallocated space on the right side, you can extend a volume.
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